Your Online Following Can Sell You— Use It

Lady Gaga’s product was focused and undeniable. She had an impressive digital footprint and her live show was one you had to tell everyone about. Her performance forced her audience to pay attention, and people couldn’t help but tell everyone about her.

No wonder she’s a mega star now. She did the leg work playing in small NY pubs and perfecting her craft, using word of mouth to get her brand in people’s heads.

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Effortlessly Get Work on a Filmset

Tamara was hired as an extra for $600 to walk in the background of a commercial. To get the job, all she did was make another connection like she’d done a million times before, chat with them a bit on a shoot, and shortly after had an opportunity for a fun, easy job with great pay dropped at her feet. The same thing will be happening to you, too, with just a bit of effort on your part.

We know that success in the entertainment industry is all about making connections, so how exactly is that done?

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The Impact Of Negative Energy On Those Around You When Networking In The Film Industry

We all need to work to control negative energy that comes up on set or in our personal lives.

Either consciously or unconsciously, people pick up on how you feel. Regardless of whether or not you feel your frustration is justified, getting upset with others will only breed more negative energy. This can hurt networking opportunities and if it happens too often could actually put your career in jeopardy.

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Networking and Film Industry Relationships

In this video, Staci gives some examples of how a solid network has benefited her and her friends on set. Staci has worked on numerous TV shows including Madam Secretary, Mr. Robot, High Maintenance, and Broad City. They are always working to make new connections and maintain strong friendships with film professionals working in NYC. Having these relationships has helped them create a prolific career in just one year.

How do you ensure you have a steady workflow as a freelancer? From the day you are on your first set, you’ll be meeting people, exchanging info with them, and starting to make friends. As you get on more and more sets, this web of connections will grow and your friendships will deepen. You can reach out to this network to let them know when you have openings in your schedule, and if they have a job opportunity, they can send it to you. That’s another set where you can meet people and expand your network even further.

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How Covid 19 is changing the future of the film industry

Everyone in film is closely watching how COVID-19 is changing the future of the industry. One thing’s for sure: it’s a good time to start a career in film. Although we’re seeing some changes in the way we do things on set, like wearing PPE, there’s a surge of production on the horizon and we’re seeing signs that it might be closer than people think.

For a while, production had almost completely halted. Union work was stopped entirely. But most of those shoots were delayed, not cancelled, and they are looking to start up as soon as possible. Combine those with the shoots that were already planned for the fall, and with content being written right now, and we’re looking at a lot of shoots battling for the same resources like production houses, crews, and equipment.

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$1,000 per day as a Producer?

Is it really possible to make $1000 per day as a producer? Yes! Even if you have the dream but no experience as a movie producer, you can take the first step toward becoming one by working on set as a Production Assistant, learning from producers in production offices and assisting them on set.

You can get into the film industry from anywhere. You don’t have to move to a big city to find opportunities.

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Why Doesn’t Auditioning Work!?

“How do I find auditions?”

It’s the most common question we get from aspiring actors. The problem they are running into is that easily found auditions are not the professional work. They are mostly shorts, freebie shoots, and student films. While you can get some valuable experience from shoots like that, they won’t be pushing your career forward in any meaningful way.

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Case Study | Jocelyn talks about Film School

In this case study, Jocelyn talks about film school and explores a few reasons why film school might not prepare you for the industry. If you are thinking about going to film school, acting school, or any other industry related education, you’ll want to listen to what Jocelyn has to say.

It’s true that there is a lot to learn in film. However, film school is NOT the most effective way to learn what you need to know. The best way to get this necessary knowledge is to form mentor-to-apprentice relationships right on set. Then you’re learning while building professional relationships, simultaneously gaining both pieces you need to have a successful career in the film industry.

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The plan if you’re in a minor market and want to DP

Minor markets are a great place to begin a career in film. There aren’t as many people to compete with for PA jobs, the position almost everyone in the industry does when they get their start. The shoots will be a bit smaller, but there will be enough of them to give you a chance to get on set, make some mistakes, and learn your craft. This will prepare you for the big leagues of the film industry, especially for union shoots where you don’t want to be messing up.

Many people chase their dreams of working in the film industry. With little to no experience and a nonexistent network, they pack their bags and move to a major city like LA or NYC. When they get there, they expect they are going to succeed. People who don’t have inside connections in the major markets often remain on the outside.

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Bummed You Didn’t Get The Job?

What do you do if you go after a position with Disney or Netflix and they pick someone else?

Don’t take it to heart. You don’t know the reason you weren’t chosen, and it might have nothing to do with you and everything to do with that other person. When successful people experience setbacks, they focus on the future they’re working toward. They immediately pivot to what’s next and go after that with the same zeal and enthusiasm they threw at that first opportunity. This is called “falling forward,” when you have a vision that allows you to keep things in perspective.

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