How handle disappointment

OK, I had a 5 day job that went away last week. I would have made $12,000. Then, I had a 6 day union job offered to me, but I was already on hold for a 2 day commercial.

As it happens, this company I was on hold with is starting to be my biggest company. They are hiring me for all their Directors, so it’s very exciting.

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Best way for actors to network

Kevin West from the Actors Network talks about repetition in order to make progress as an actor.

He says, “In one month’s time you have to realize that a “legit” representative has probably received 500-1000 submissions.   A legit “somewhat busy” commercial casting director whose had 3 jobs has seen between 10,000 and 100,000 thumbnails depending on how many roles were in each job.   And if you’re casting a real Feature film or a TV show, again, you’ve seen thousands upon thousands of pictures. ”

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Your Story as an Asset

I was in the grocery store, freezing my ass off in the produce section looking for organic celery, carrots and ginger.

I’m hurrying out of there, onto warmer places when I look over and I see this tall display of bread with this muscle-y guy on it. Was it the muscles that caught my eye?  I didn’t look further, I was FREEZING!

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Show business is for the horses!

Today’s shoot is with a horse. A talking horse. Well, not exactly… a horse with a piece of tape stuck under his lip so he looks like he’s talking. He’s standing in front of blackboard acting like the professor.   Hasn’t made a mess yet… you know, like, on the floor… so we’re all happy thus far!

UPDATE:   The horse is eating everything. He ate the chalk, which everybody tried to get out of his mouth. But he crunched it up and had chalk all over his mouth.

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Working on set with CAT HERDERS

I was on this TV-spot over the weekend and it was one of the most cold and miserable shooting days I’ve ever had. Out on the plains, freezing cold, wind so strong it would catch your car door and bend it back.

The production company put everyone in a motel for the three days we were out there. Joe and I actually snuck our cat, Fred, into our motel room because he just had surgery and needed to recuperate. Fred did not like the experience, so he lived under the bed the whole time. Here’s both of our cats investigating some flowers safe at home :)

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Acting Tips: Things Might Not Have Thought About

I talked with an actor today and asked him what, beyond simply a person’s acting ability, makes an actor in demand.

You might have heard me talk about why starting as a PA is so important and why it’s so good to know how all the departments function together and how important it is to think about their needs as well as your own. Surprise surprise, that’s where his head was at too! Here are his tips:

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Magic Momentum

The list of questions below is from Benjamin, one of our former A-list work study members. The power of doing an exercise like this is that you’ll develop clarity about how to spend each moment of your time.

Most people live each day reacting to what happens to them instead of each day moving with intention to get closer to what they really want.

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Take your future into your own hands

Elias is a Founding Member of the FIF Craft Certification program. He started in Omaha, NB. Worked his magic there and became a major player in that market.

Then he went to New Orleans. He roomed with Andrew, another of the earliest members.

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Audition “No-No’s” from a Casting Director

I have a good friend who is a Casting Director. Recently, she shred some do’s and don’ts with me regarding auditions. Here are the highlights:

A Couple Don’ts:

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HOT set, in more ways than one

Whew! What a great week! I had two jobs this week, a one day shoot along with a three day shoot.

The 3 day shoot was in Van Nuys, Beverly Hills, and downtown Los Angeles. The Director was so frickin’ nice! His entire production team was too. The producer was a backpacking, kayaking cool woman, and the production manager was a smart, sassy, cute woman who is married to the 1st assistant director. He’s a sweetheart too!

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