Show business is for the horses!

Today's shoot is with a horse. A talking horse. Well, not exactly… a horse with a piece of tape stuck under his lip so he looks like he's talking. He's standing in front of blackboard acting like the professor. Hasn't made a mess yet … you know, like on the floor… so we're all happy so far!

UPDATE: The horse is eating everything. He ate the chalk, which everybody tried to get out of his mouth. But he crunched it up and had chalk all over his mouth.

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Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler | the Shoot Day

What a day! My call time was 1 pm at Sony Studios in Culver City. Then at 9 am, the Producer calls and says “Can you come in at 12 noon? They may come in early!”

I tell him no problem and drive down to the studio. By 1:30, Jennifer and Adam are walking on stage.  Adam comes first with this big balloony  sports jersey.

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Jennifer Aniston / Adam Sandler shoot

Hey, I just had to show you this.

Yesterday when I was on the plane coming back to Los Angeles from Wisconsin, I got called for a shoot for this Wednesday.

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Acting resumes – don’t misrepresent!

RESHOOT!!! The actress said she could ride a motorcycle.

We show up and she’s sitting there on the motorcycle surrounded by production and agency, looking scared shitless.

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Working on set for the “Cat Herders” Commercial, my favorite

Shooting this spot was the most cold and miserable shooting days I've ever had. Out in the plains, freezing cold, wind so strong it would catch your car door and bend it back.

It took 3 days to shoot. The production company put everyone up in a motel. We actually snuck our cat into our motel room because he just had surgery and needed to recuperate. So he lived under the bed.

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How early jobs on the set lead to acting jobs, music jobs, other high paying jobs

The most common entry level job in the film industry is Production Assistant (PA). When I’m working I always hang out with the PAs. They are some of the coolest and most interesting people, and are really excited about their future in the industry. I love that!

Some have gone to film school, some have done their own filmmaking, many are into music. Some are models, actors, dancers, writers. Working their craft from the inside. Smart.

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Film Jobs in Hollywood – Riding dragons, flying through the air

Today we’re doing a commercial for a video game. I want to give you an idea of what it’s like doing film  jobs when you’re doing special effects.  It’s really like any other day, except there are green screens and other cool film equipment.

We’re shooting on a quiet residential street and we’ve taken over the whole street with enormous lights, props, carts and stands. As you look down the street you see a long line of cube trucks which belong to the art department, props, camera, grip, electric.  Further down the road there’s 2 motor homes.   One houses the production offices, the hair, make up and wardrobe rooms. And the 2nd motor home is made up of little rooms for the talent to relax and rehearse their lines.

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