Working on set for the “Cat Herders” Commercial, my favorite

Shooting this spot was the most cold and miserable shooting days I've ever had.   Out in the plains, freezing cold, wind so strong it would catch your car door and bend it back.

It took 3 days to shoot.   The production company put everyone up in a motel.   We actually snuck our cat into our motel room because he just had surgery and needed to recuperate.   So he lived under the bed.

But he wasn't alone.   There were trucks filled with movie cats.   Each in their own cages.

And real cowboys.   No actors.   Real cowboys who had to be skillfully directed to get a natural performance.

Cats aren't naturally good at acting.   They want to be cats.   But the animal trainers use clickers that make noise when they feed the cats, so the cats associate the clickers with food.   That's how you got so many cats to run down a hill to the food.   (which was out of the shot).

It all worked and made an awesome spot.   It was a Superbowl spot.   Probably my favorite spot!   Do you like it?

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