Our Results

Here is a track record of Friends In Film’s students and graduates who are using the methods taught by Janet to work professionally inside the film industry. These are Actors, DPs, Editors, MUAs, Stuntmen, Hair Stylists, Sound Engineers, and more… most of whom had never been to film school or had any set experience before joining Friends In Film’s Into The Industry Certification Program:
I want in!

HBO, Netflix, NBC, Hulu. Working with Harrison Ford on blockbuster movies, making $650/day ❤️
Carlton has worked for Lana Del Rey Candy Necklace, The Weekend “Out of Time” music video, Kajlllionalre, Grand Crew on HBO, Netflix, NBC, Hulu. He’s worked on Veep, American Horror Story, and Law and Order.

Netflix, Spike TV, Warner Brothers, NBC, the Grammy Awards, the Oscars. Amazon, Paramount Plus
Shelby has worked for King of Knives, Gotham, Netflix, Spike TV, Warner Brothers, NBC, the Grammy Awards, the Oscars. Amazon, Paramount Plus. In Shelby’s words, “I just wanted you to know because you genuinely changed my life, and I couldn‘t be more grateful. Back when I discovered your classes, I was so stuck, so depressed and now I’m living a literal dream. I’ve actually moved on to writing and acting full time and out of the PA world.

Is the Friends in Film program worth it?
Omar’s update after starting the Friends in Film program 3 years ago. Now he is moving out of PA jobs into his crafts – the sound and art departments. Making $8500 sound mixing on a travel job around America, and making $2750 working 5 days as a props assistant while getting put up in a hotel on the beach.

Olivia, Producer and Coordinator for a Major LA Production Company
Olivia started in Texas. She left her boring 9-5 and within 5 months of starting the FIF program she was working full-time in film and moved to LA.

From DoorDash driver to $1,000/day camera operator with FIF’s roadmap
Luka is an immigrant from Georgia. When he moved to America he had to work as an Uber and DoorDash driver but wanted to work in film. Within 5 months of starting FIF he was working full-time in film. Many people move from all over the world to Hollywood to work in the industry, but Luka is one who is actually living this dream come true.

Getting On Over 75 Paid Shoots in Phoenix
Analissa has been implementing the Friends In Film program for several years now and has found success in a smaller market. Out of the nearly 100 shoots she has been on, 75 of them have been paid.

How To Make $10,000 In One Month In The Film Industry
Rolan went from working as a pharmacist to making $10,000 in one month in the film industry. Not only is he just working full time in the professional film industry but he’s worked with some of the top fashion brands as clients such as Hugo Boss, Yves Saint Laurent, Maybelline, and many more.

Are you worried about your accent while working on a film set?
Luka, a DP, camera operator, and AC, used FIF to make $3,500-4,500 per MONTH working in the camera department in Los Angeles. Luka is one of many members of the program who come from an international background. Listen as he explains what kind of work he’s been doing, and why he refuses to let his accent hinder his growth.

Netflix, MTV, Microsoft, TV shows, celebrities, and even “on location” in Palm Springs.

Making the most money per month he’s ever made ALL FROM FILM

HBO, Disney+, HBO Max, CBS, Apple TV, Moved to LA and Immediately Worked on the feature film Top Gun!

Videographer turned Cinematographer for Animal Planet and A&E Networks

Worried that your dream may never come true

Working for Animal Planet and A&E Networks

Apple, Lifetime, Magnolia, TLC, Netflix, Hulu – From Working Nights at Hotels to Script Supervisor & Associate Producer

Working with HBO Max, Netflix and Oprah

Crystal is now making $125K/Year

Working on James Cameron’s Battle Angle Alita, National Geographic, America Ninja Warrior, Jurassic World.

Working with Discovery+, Comedy Central, ABC, and NBC

From No Experience to Being Booked on TV Shows, commercials, and feature films back-to-back in Phoenix.

Apple TV+, FX, CBS, TBS, NBC, HBO, and Comedy Central

Major projects in NYC

From PA to Producer to VFX in London – The Swarm—Arte France Cinema, Ms. Marvel—Disney Marvel Studios, Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse—Paramount/Amazon Studios, Orville—Hulu

Work in the film industry with no film school

Work in Virtual Reality |Netflix, HBO Max and Amazon Prime

Rooni, Associate Producer! Mr Robot, Pose, Madam Secretary,Ray James, The Last OG

Won at Cannes.

Nominated for an Academy Award in Hollywood and Grimes, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, and Khalid

Working BTS in a Production Office in Cardiff

Getting inside the London film industry without film school!

Showtime, Discovery Plus, Fox

$2,800 in 3 days, doing CAMERA on Fashion Shoots!
Kenneth Cole Shoot!

Marvel, NBC, CBS, Discovery, TBS, Bravo – Alex’s works as a camera operator and an AC
- Doctor Strange
- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
- Feed The Beast (Clyde Phillips)
- Madam Secretary (Morgan Freeman, Barbara Hall)
- Street Justice: The Bronx
- The Blacklist (NBC)
- The Last 0.6. (TBS)
- Project Run way

Toronto on FIRE – Adriana works as Costume Designer on Handmaid’s Tale, Titans, Madam C.J. Walker, and Star Trek
Like everyone, I have days when fear rears its head. We all have uncertainty and doubt, but the difference is made in how we approach that kind of uncertainty. Every time I go to a new set, there is a new crew which comes with his or her own uncertainties: Will I connect with them? Will they like my work?
In those cases, I’ve realized I can do two things: I can listen to what they say and how they act, and figure out what type of personalities they have so I can have a better idea of how to interact with them… or I can show enthusiasm and willingness to help.
I made a wonderful connection on American Gods. The lady was a costume builder on the Stargate SG 1 and Atlantis series. I wanted to get to know her better and she opened up about her work with those shows and found out she was a set supervisor on another show that’s currently shooting. I discussed how much I enjoyed costume making and wanting to learn SFX prosthetics.
The next day, she sent me a text saying she was so impressed with my interest and willingness to learn that she passed on my number to the head of their prosthetics department. It may or may not lead anywhere but it was still really nice of her to do this! I started the day not having known them and left with a great connection.

Nominated for an Emmy Award as an Executive Producer- Makes $3,500 per day as an actor

Saying yes, even if you think you’re not ready

Working in the departments. Getting opportunity to AD!

A-listers working together and referring each other work!

Blacklist Season 5, Gotham, Paramount+, Isn’t it Romantic feature film
I am now a full-time producer for Droga5 NYC, which? one the top creative ad agencies in the world. I HIRE the pro uction companies, edit houses, VFX companies and casting directors who create the commercials for our clients—some of which hired ME when l was first starting out as a PA all those years ago. My second short film Something Unseen is on its film festival run, and has so far won two awards: Best Cinematography from Atlanta Women‘s Film Festival and Best New Director from Mystic Film Festival.
I’ve walked Bane and his stunt double to set on Gotham, and I‘ve been in charge of the cues for 300 extras. I’ve met Al Pacino (The Godfather). I’ve worked with John Krasinski (The Office) and Taylor Schilling Orange Is The New Black. I know how long it takes to get Cameron Monaghan Into the full Joker look, makeup, and costume (four hours on the day and an eight-hour makeup test the day before). If you stick with it, this career will take you places beyond your wildest imagination.
I joined Friends In Film In the fall of 2016. At the time. I was a nonunion actor, supporting myself by waitressing. Jolt as I started getting my feet wet with PA-ing, I was fired from my waitressing job, so i had no choice but to jump into this journey and give lt absolutely everything I had. Fast forward eight months and I was the Director’s Assistant for Isn’t It Romantic, working with Todd Strauss-Schulson, Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth, Priyanka Chopra, and Adam Devine.
What I have experienced over the course of my career was beyond anything I could have imagined when l was hustling as a typical waitress/actor. On The Blacklist Season 5… motorcycle stunts, car flips, and stunt performers fully engulfed in flames were “another day at the office.” I would never trade this film life for anything.

Disney+, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Khalid, Olivia Rodrigo: Deja Vu Music Video, Paramoure Music Video, Grimes Music Video
I’ve worked on Olivia Rodrigo: Deja Vu—Vevo, Black is King—Disney+, and with Taylor Swift, Khalid, Grimes, and Beyonce in various commercials. I’ve also worked with The Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, and Netfllx.
Back when I first started on set as an actor, I didn’t really haveany Idea what it takes to make a film or commercial. People who I chat with about my experiences along the journey to becoming a Production Designer are blown away by the confidence that l have earned from learning and growing through those experiences (and making plenty of mistakes along the way).
The amount of cold calls, high-profile client meetings, and last minute change requests that I’ve participated in along the way is probably more than most people would do in their lifetime, and I’ve just been in it for a few years! ! wouldn’t have gotten this far if it weren’t for the amazing, inspiring people that I’ve gotten to know and share the journey with.
The encouragement, conversation, and concrete information that I received as a part of Friends in Film was vital to this growth trajectory. Without that extra boost of knowledge, community, and celebration I would not have pushed myself to become this happy, confident, creative artist that I am today, working with top celebrities, directors, and companies. l’m glad to be able to share some of my experiences and bits of knowledge that we picked up along the way with future filmmakers. When we share our skills and knowledge it makes everyone better.

New Amsterdam, NBC, Three Women — Showtime, Growing up-Disney Plus
When I first started, I was anxiety-ridden. I was afraid I was going to screw up somehow and that I would never get asked back to set. I thought there is no way this dream is going to become a reality. But then I stepped on set, used what I learned from Friends In Film, and kept getting asked back again and again!
I screwed up a few times, but it didn’t phase anyone. No one even realized I was green until I mentioned I had just started out and am still learning. I remained coachable, received correction that I was given with openness, and adjusted accordingly.
I’ve always had a go-getter mentality inside of me, but never fully tapped into it. Being in the film industry and the Friends In Film community really unlocked that part of me. My mind changed from “I don’t know how I’m going to do this”, to “I’m going to learn to do this NO MATTER WHAT!”

Top Gun: Maverick, Paramount Pictures, Our Souls of the Night — Robert Redford and Jane Forida – Netflix
When I was in Colorado, I worked on a Netflix movie. I kept in touch with all of those people and when I got to LA, I started connecting with them. I didn’t know but the ADs from the movie in Denver were also the ADs on Top Gun Maverick.
I had no idea. I contacted them when I got to LA and said, “Hey I just got here to LA and I’m ready to work.” They sent me a call sheet for the next day’s shoot. I didn’t know what it was because everything was disguised. I showed up on set and I was like “Oh my gosh! I’m working on Top Gun!”

Marvel, Netflix, HBO, Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise-Paramount in LONDON

Worked with Scorcese, Producer for Magnolia Network, Netflix, Discovery+, ABC, TLC, Lifetime

Assisting in Production Design in the Hollywood Hills

Parker working as ACTOR, stunts, Directors Assistant, Coordinator and Camera
- Americas Got Talent, Season 12
- So You Think You Can Dance
- Bug Juice (Disney)
- Nailed It! (Nicole Byer)
- Popular Opinion (Facebook)
- Various Events for Despicable Me 3 (Willis Tower)
- Watson (AFI)
- Environmental Media Awards 2017
- Joker’s Wild, Season 2
- Masters of Illusion, Season 5
- According to Chrisley, Season 1
- Finding Fido, Season 2
- Elton John’s Oscar Viewing Party

Learning by doing on professional shoots. No film school!

How Uriel used Into The Industry Certification to become an Award Winning Production Designer

Anna works on professional shoots right out of high school in Minneapolis.
Anna was a high school graduate who really didn’t want to go to college. She felt lost and depressed before finding Friends In Film. She is 18 years old and getting on paid on professional shoots! She can’t believe this is her life now!

From Costco to working full-time as a PRODUCTION COORDINATOR, PRODUCER, AND KEY PA on blockbuster movies.
The main difference is Friends In Film teaches you actually HOW to get on set! Where to go. How to make others want to hire you again and again. When Crystal first started PA-ing on set, people had thought she had already been doing this for months.

Find The Natural Flow of your Career Path inside the Mastermind

AJ Gates travels the world using Friends In Film methods

Update from AJ Gates: $100K+/Year is the norm

Working full-time on set with Big Stars
So it’s a good thing I haven’t read the books yet to watch the show (my preference) or I would’ve had to hold back from being a star-googling fan! Pretty cool working on a large set with big stars attached, much higher level in quality work!
Want to do what these people are doing? Let’s start this journey together.
We have a Mini Movie Series to get you working on professional film sets and building credits right away. You can put your best foot forward confidently and not waste any time auditioning and reaching out to the wrong people.
Everyone here got to where they are by understanding how the film business runs and what truly gets them the work. This is very important for both Actors and Filmmakers.
We respect your privacy and will never sell your information.

Jocelyn – Left a Corporate Job for Film (with 2 kids!)
As more time went by, it seemed like it was almost a ridiculous notion to leave a good-paying job for an unknown film career:
What if people didn’t accept her? What if she was too old? What if she didn’t have the skills? Basically, what if she made a fool of herself? Well, she finally decided to give herself permission to go after the film life she always wanted. And look where she is now.

Leaves 9-5 → Working in Film!

Allyson works for MTV.
Allyson’s from Detroit and is an actor, choreographer, dance teacher, and mom of 3-year-old twins. She joined us two months ago.This is what she said!
With this program, I’m most excited about the relationships I’m forging with industry professionals that I NEVER would have made just by being an actor alone. I was expecting to PA for a local production company doing a local corporate shoot and wind up with the DP OF EMPIRE hiring me to PA. The producer of the shoot was also from Chicago, and I built a good relationship with her as well. She works on the marketing side of things for corporations, but she gave me her card and said that if there was ever anything she could do for me, she’d do it in a heartbeat.

Getting on film shoots consistently during COVID

Alanna becoming guild apprentice for the DGC in Toronto.
This is what Alanna said shortly after joining the Into The Industry Certification program!
This spring I became a guild apprentice for the DGC (Director’s Guild of Canada)! This lets me PA on union shoots and led to me getting my first two dailies on the second unit of an HBO show ($400/day)!
Now with the strikes, lots of union ADs are moving over to the commercial world which is still going strong, so I can still network with union people even with lots of long-format work being postponed.
I am also telling the people I have connected with on set that I want to get into kids’ TV writing. One director on a low-budget kids’ show I was working on even asked to read some of my samples! Things are happening!

Allyson Update!

Kay came to LA from Dubai to pursue her acting career

Get Connected with Other Actors and Hone Your Skills

Working on major TV shows in LA with Ben Affleck

Film school didn’t get her working. The Get-on-Shoots Method started her career.

Making $1,000 per day as a Producer!

Kelsey working on major TV shows in LA
Below is a BatCave entry from Kelsey:
Back in October, I worked on a show called The World’s Best and it’s premiering tonight immediately after the Super Bowl! I worked as a PA and this was probably one of the most physically demanding sets I’ve ever worked on, but it was also really rewarding. 🔥 I love the people I got the opportunity to work with, and I think it’s going to be a really good show!
It’s so cool to be able to watch what we helped create— I love the collaboration in this business, and what we get to do everyday!

Samuel – National Geographic, Jurassic World, Fear of the Walking Dead
Directing, DP, DIT, Writing, Production Design, Director’s Assistant, and Acting
- Jurassic World
- Fear the Walking Dead, Season 4
- Battle Angel Alita (James Cameron)
- The Long Road Home
- Aloha (Emma Stone)
- America’s Got Talent
- American Ninja Warrior Seasons 9 & 10
- Ultimate Beastmasters 3
- Ninja vs Ninja
- NFL Honors 2017
- Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (with Zac Efron and Anna Kendrick)
- Adventures in Appletown (with Dylan and Cole Sprouse)
- Blackout
- Deadliest Decade

Erin and Patrick work on First Man with Ryan Gosling!
Patrick and Erin had the chance to PA together on the Universal Pictures feature, First Man, with Ryan Gosling.
In this group, we always have each other’s back! Erin had passed a gig on to Patrick for the gymnastics tournaments with FloSports a while back, so he helped her out too with this one! We truly are Friends in Film!

Lily went from a Netflix Feature to a Marvel Feature to a TNT TV series!
The paychecks are coming in! 😊 I’ve been on shoots on my days off from work and today is the first day I’ve had off in more than a month!

Jessica trains in stunts with Celebrities!
Jessica really went full force at the industry. After moving to LA from Ohio, she quickly started learning from one of the biggest stunt trainers in the world.
Ariana works on Equalizer 2, American Ninja Warrior
Production, Camera, Art, and Writing.
- Equalizer 2
- Food Quest
- American Ninja Warrior
- Expedition Unknown
- Married at First Sight

Staci got bumped to Associate Producer! She’s been working in MAJOR TV, Mr Robot, Pose, Madam Secretary, Ray James, The Last OG

Goran when he got his 1st Paid PA Gig!
I just came back from my very first paid PA gig and it was awesome!
It was a 3 day job. Wow I can’t describe the way that I feel! It was absolutely amazing, I was on a professional shoot and I believe the budget was $200,000.
We were shooting for a history channel commercial with a hi tech robot.
I worked my ass off but let me tell you guys! People were so appreciative I had at least 5 people telling me that I rocked the day (I knew I had the Get-it Factor thanks to Janet!). I was everywhere doing anything that I can to help while the other PA were standing on the side and chit chatting.
Honestly I wasn’t even sure if I could get on a volunteer jobs when I started the program but your videos and examples of others give me a strength and guided me towards this job! Everything happened so fast and when I got the offer I didn’t even blink I just said yes and had positive thoughts, “Yes I can do this.”
Thanks to your confidence training and videos, I became bold enough to go for it. Before Friends In Film, I couldn’t even imagine it and now its REALITY!

Jana works on Gotham, the Greatest Showman, Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
- The Deuce (HBO)
- Shades of Blue
- Gotham
- The Greatest Showman
- The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
- Elementary
- The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
- Luke Cage
- Top Photographer with Nigel Barker

Crystal’s first feature film!
Crystal just wrapped her first feature film, Old Man and a Gun with Robert Redford and Casey Affleck!! (Crystal told me she was completely starstruck when she saw Casey’s girlfriend (who’s an actress on Supergirl).

Kira works on Major TV shows in Atlanta.
Kira saw the Career on Fire advertisement in her newsfeed on Facebook and decided to jump in. She always wanted to work in film but didn’t know where to start once she got out of film school. They didn’t teach her how to get a job so the school training wasn’t of any help.
Since day 1 of starting with this program, she did exactly what I told her to do.
Kira recently got 2 checks today from different projects and she’s overwhelmed because she never thought she would be working in the film industry, making money within less than a year!

Ashley’s Recent Work
Acting, Art, and Production
- Grey’s Anatomy, Season 14
- The Librarians (TNT)
- Adidas “James Harden” Campaign
- Call to Cosplay
- PBS Kids Summer Camp
- The Artifact
- Credit Sesame
- Microsoft Surface

Clara on professional shoots in the UK!
Clara recently wrapped up a feature she was PA-ing that got her £2000 for a month (she also got to act in it!). Then she got a small acting gig in her hometown Barcelona (that was €200/day).So she flew all the way to Spain and stayed there for a week with her family. She’s doing other castings for commercials (she used to have an agency there and they kept sending her cool casting commercials).

The Jobs Keep Coming!
Rolan just finished a 30 day Miramax feature, on location in New York. He is working as a 2nd AD.Rolan used to be a pharmacist! No more florescent lights for him!
His most recent work:
- Dietland (AMC network)
- Villains
- The Hill

When Checks Start Flowing In!
Jocelyn knows how I like to see the checks so she has attached a pic of most of them that she received in Feb & March!
It really starts to accumulate very soon. She made nearly $5K in 2 months. Not bad!

Friends In Film Australia

Erin’s Recent Work:
Acting, Production Designer, Editing, and Writing
- NCIS New Orleans
- Bad Moms (Mila Kunis)
- Sleepy Hollow
- Moon and Me (Andrew Davenport)
- First Man (Ryan Gosling)
- Multiple shows for HGTV
- Music videos with Young Thug and Future
- Commercials for Under Armour, Delta, Home Depot, and Lowes

Quitting Your Day Job

Ashley’s Recent Win:
Last week, I just saw a post about needing a PA. I immediately jumped on that opportunity and I said that I just finished a shoot for a McDonalds commercial a couple of weeks ago.
He quickly replied “Hey Ashley, you did that shoot with Fon?” (Fon was the line producer for the shoot) and I said “Yes!” and he said “Oh cool! So you are available Monday then?” and I said “Yes I am.”
The next day he sent the call sheet and I am on the shoot for 5 days!!!
Its so cool to see how everyone is interconnected! Because I worked with someone he knew, I got the job! This program has transformed my life. When you work with great people, you become great!

Mike moves into high paying niches of production design
Mike just finished the last module of the Program!He never has been on a real set in his life before A-list, and is now working his way into the art department side of things and is making more money than he ever has made in his life! 🙌

You don’t have to struggle anymore!

How to Get into the Film Industry with Absolutely NO Connections:
She got a few jobs from postings that she applied to online right after she started the program, but other than that, not a lot of paid work for the first four months.
Everything came together because she was following Janet’s advice in the modules.
Bam! Lauren went from hardly any paid work to paying my bills by freelancing as a PA so fast!
In March, she worked for ONE DAY in film. In April, she worked ELEVEN PAID DAYS and SIX volunteering days in film. Since then, Lauren has been working consistently. It can all come together that fast!

Amy works for Blade Runner, The Exorcist
Amy works in Camera and Production!
- Blade Runner 2049
- The Exorcist (Fox)
- Alex Inc (ABC)

Turning down major TV shows because she is too booked.
Here are the job offers Crystal received in the last 15 days. Not shown here are 2 job offers that just came in! Most of them, she had to turn down because she’s already booked. 😭Crystal was afraid to jump into the FIF Into The Industry Certification Program at first because she never thought about working project to project. Not being guaranteed of future paychecks was scary!
BUT she knew her life would stay mundane and nothing extraordinary would happen towards my dreams if she stayed in a semi-comfortable life and took no action towards a film life.
So she signed up for A-list in January of 2017. On March 25, 2017, she quit her day job when she was offered a 3-month job as a PA on a TV show.
Those 3 months came and went… and she was diving into another show immediately after that! Then another show after that! Her resume grew… her contact list got bigger…
Crystal is now always super high in-demand and she feels great! 😍

Have the confidence to make your career what you’ve always wanted!
Trent was stuck working in TV news. He wanted to get on bigger projects but wasn’t sure how to do it.After joining A-list, he’s able to move out to LA and is working as a camera operator on all kinds of projects. He’s come a long way!

Can you succeed if you’re from another country?

Getting to be a part of Stranger Things and The Walking Dead!
Below is a BatCave entry from Patrick:I worked on two back-to-back feature films for two straight months. 😃
Two HUGE dreams came true – I appeared on an episode of Stranger Things and The Walking Dead.
First thing in the morning, I’m in the trailer, having makeup applied, and in walks Winona Ryder.
Then, in the first scene, I turn my head – Paul Reiser is sitting next to me!
The next scene rolls around, and Sean Astin comes walking into the room!
Want to do what these people are doing? Let’s start this journey together.
* We use your phone number to remind you of our free calls and emails to send important updates. We respect your privacy and would never give away your information.