Before Friends in Film, I had a great job as a marketer. But it was never a dream of mine.
I graduated with a degree in film in 2015 and thought jobs would start popping up. I applied to any website I could find. For months I only helped out with friends’ projects. After not seeing any success in the film industry, I basically gave up trying.
In 2016 I couldn’t afford to live by myself anymore (even a great paying job WITH yearly raises couldn’t keep up with rent) and had to move in with my brother. He was very disappointed that I had to take such a step back from being independent to having to live with family to survive. It hurt severely having let him down when he believed so much in me.
I believed I was a failure. I was starting to spiral into a depressing stage.
My best friend Faith was a camera op during Dallas Comic-con. I asked her how she got so much film work when we both took the same paths. She told me of Friends in Film. Faith said it was 100% worth the investment.
After doing Friends in Film, I worked non stop.
January brought me 3 jobs in 7 days, including working on a Food Network show. February brought me 5 jobs. March was the first time I had to start turning jobs down because of my day-job work schedule. Finally, March 24, I received a call from the Production Manager of Little Women Dallas. He asked if I was free to work for the next 3 months. THAT was the day I knew I’d be fine leaving my day-job!
Now I’m wrapped with Little Women Dallas and booked on another show in Midland called Rooster & Butch! After that? Working as a Production Coordinator for a film contest as soon as I get back to Dallas.
I’m so happy! I caught myself one day just staring at the camera op, thinking “I’m here. I’m actually here, this will actually be on TV!” I’ve regained my confidence and my attitude is completely different from just 8 months ago! My family is proud of me, but not just because of my jobs. They’re proud of my dedication and focus, they’re proud that I’m once again fighting to reach my dreams! My future is wide open with so many possibilities! I’m doing a job I love and any fear of “what-if” has been pushed aside.
Crystal C.
(Dallas, Texas)