What if you don’t like how you look in headshots? What can you do about it? It’s a challenge you want to know how to overcome. Your headshots represent you to the casting agencies. If you don’t feel good about them, casting directors will know just by the way you look in your photos. It sounds crazy but it’s true.
You are going to pay some money for decent headshots. They typically cost an average of $600. You have to retake your headshots every six months to a year, or whenever you alter your looks. In an average year, you will easily spend $1200 just on photos.
It’s a good deal of coin to spend on something you aren’t happy with.
You want every advantage for getting the part you want. Great headshots begin with the right energy at your photo shoot. This means going into your photo shoot with a great attitude.
The right energy is the key. You’ll have that Get It Factor look.
Get It Factor is a special set of knowledge and mindset you need to make it in the film industry. Every top professional knows Get It Factor.
Get It Factor is an insider industry secret, a special language that only the best know how to speak.
Much more critically to your headshots is to get that genuine look. When you pretend to smile for the camera, the camera isn’t fooled. The camera knows you are faking it.
You are going to make mistakes in your photo shoot. That’s OK. The important thing to remember is to stay excited about your headshots. Make sure that the real you comes out.
It’s so important that the casting director gets to see the real you in your photo.
When that happens, you get chosen for the acting jobs.
It isn’t magic, although it seems that way. It’s you being authentically you.
When you play characters in film and on TV, it’s important to make them lifelike. This is called verisimilitude.
Verisimilitude is one of those words you might hear around set. It literally means the appearance of being true or real.
When you look true in your headshot, the casting director will want to cast you. They’ll believe you can bring the character to life.
And so begins your career as an actor.
A-list Mentor Lera knows how you feel about headshots you don’t like. She’s had headshots she’s been disappointed with also.
Take a listen to Lera in this short video for a glimpse into what it is like to learn from her.