A really common problem I see is people getting stuck as a production assistant for years. Nobody gets into the film industry to be a PA, and yet so many get trapped in that space. They know they want to write, or work camera, or direct, but they don’t know how to move from the free shoots to the small budget shoots, from there to mid-sized projects, and then onto the biggest stuff in the industry where they’re making $650-$1000 a day or more.
The solution is both simple and complex: you need to be making good connections and you need to be working alongside professionals.
You need to have the right kinds of conversations with the right people. The good (paid) work is rarely, if ever, posted. It all gets passed around through referrals, so you have to be getting on people’s lists!
In the beginning it might feel like a bit of a balancing act to get these conversations to go smoothly. You want to keep the focus on the other person. Be genuinely interested in them and what they are doing. When you get the call sheet, look up the names on it, see if you can find out what kinds of things people have worked on so you can make the best use of your networking time while on set.
In the FIF Into The Industry Certification program I can give you some intelligent questions to ask professionals that shows you are interested in the craft and the industry while not coming across as just using them. The people in this industry are really great. If you treat them well, they’ll do the same for you and want to help you excel!