Tighten up your freelance gamewith friends in film

Actors, Filmmakers, DPs, MUA: Get prepared for the explosion of film work coming. Join my free career strategy workshop to work on your connections, experience and resume to be ready to work!

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Here’s what you’ll learn in this workshop:

  • What freelance work you can be doing to gain acting, VO, singing, camera, and writing experience for your resume, so you can hit the ground running when the business resumes. (It’s going to be gangbusters in 2 months from now!)
  • If you’ve got experience doing shorts and student films and you’re looking for more professional work, one of the way you can achieve it, weirdly enough, is through entry level jobs, but you need to know how to use these jobs to make connections, and we’ll cover that in this training.
  • What you NEED to focus on right now, first, second, third to make real progress in the next 2 months towards your PROFESSIONAL career.