Start Your Amazing CareerUsing Our 3-Part Framework
Leave 9-5 for good and finally live a life that EXCITES you!
Learn how to use this filming boom to build experience, a body of work, and a reputation for what you do… so you can move into the kind of work that gives you an amazing life!

Breaking into the film industry doesn’t need to be hard or take forever. Many have done it before you. Just follow the steps to get the experience, which makes people comfortable to hire you, and start building your base of people who know you and trust you.

Learn what professionals are actually looking for. Learn what makes producers and directors request to have you back. Get the prep you need so there’s no fear stepping on your first couple of sets, even as someone with no previous experience.

Learn how to turn 1 film shoot into hundreds. It’s busy in the film world right now! Learn what to do to get booked 15 days per month. This is a page from my calendar, and this amount of work is typical!