The list of questions below is from Benjamin, one of our former A-list work study members. The power of doing an exercise like this is that you’ll develop clarity about how to spend each moment of your time.
Most people live each day reacting to what happens to them instead of each day moving with intention to get closer to what they really want.
Most people don’t know what they really want. They think “It would be nice to be famous.” They live their days with only the HOPE of that coming to pass, taking no active and real steps to get there.
The thing is, it’s all possible. Instead of focusing only on the goal, we can focus on growth. The development you undertake on the way to your goal is what has value.
If you want to become famous… well, you’re going to have to be quite an extraordinary person. Do you think that people who are extraordinary are waiting around HOPING that someone realizes they are special? Nope! If you want to rock the world, you need to take massive action, measure the results, tap into the environment, make new friends that will get you there, stretch the boundaries for who you are everyday.
Keep progressing. Never settle for where you are.
Get out of that comfort zone, because if you get complacent, you’ll stop moving forward. You lose that momentum, so get clear on who you are and what you want.
I’ve attached this list as a PDF so you can download it and write your answers on your own paper. DOWNLOAD PDF
And go after it, like a shark in a feeding frenzy…
Magic Momentum Exercise
1. Who are you? Where are you from?
2. What are you currently doing for a living?
3. How is your current living working out for you?
4. What are you truly passionate about? What brings you ultimate joy? (This might be a list)
5. Is there a way to incorporate your passions/joys into your career? How?
6. What spiritual gifts and talents do you believe God has given you?
7. Is there a way to incorporate your spiritual gifts and talents into your career?
8. What is your dream job? (Don’t think about the Money, think about what makes you happy)
9. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
10. What steps can you take now to get there?