You land an audition! The casting director asks you to send in a self-tape audition. How do you do that?
FIF mentor Ashley has some incredible tips and tricks for killing any self-tape audition!

1. It’s best to have a reader, BUT there are ways around it. I found this app called Script Rehearser. With that app, you are able to record your lines and act against yourself! :D
2. Also, if you are not able to have a reader physically there, this is something that I’ve done numerous times. I have used Skype or Facebook messenger to video chat with my friend, then used my camera phone to record the audition.
3. Always record your audition Landscape and not Vertical (portrait).
4. Slate (say your first name, last name, role, turn to your left and right then center).
5. Do two takes to show variety.
6. Make sure to shoot at a well lit area and make sure the wall is neutral with nothing on it.
7. Use a tight medium frame. (Either from belly button to top of head or from chest to top of head).