Breaking Into The Film Industry & Staying Active | Have Film Sets Reach Out To You

You can leave the 9-5 grind and be working in the film industry sooner than you think. During dry spells (like the pandemic we’re experiencing now) you can continue to develop your confidence and maintain relationships with people you’ve worked with so far. A-list Mentor Crystal worked hard to break into the industry and move up the ranks and has been able to remain active even during the shutdown:

Crystal is like a lot of people. They go to film school, graduate, and then find themselves unable to break into the professional industry and get consistent work. This outcome has nothing to do with their technical knowledge or motivation. It happens because they lack relationships and don’t know how to go about making the right ones.

Learn how to connect with people who can get you on set after set. Know who can teach you what you need to know and become genuinely fascinated with everything they’re doing and you’ll end up in a position like Crystal where people reach out to YOU.

Crystal learned how to find the jobs, get the jobs, and how to be in demand. She’s been working post-production during the shutdown and has even had to turn down work because she’s already booked. Not only that— she’s booked solid for projects set to film after the restrictions are lifted.

For newcomers, you’ll be starting out as a production assistant whether you’ve been to film school or not. Make no mistake, this experience will be an asset to you. To start your career right, you’ll want to be on as many sets as possible, meeting as many people as you can, and learning everything there is to know about what happens on set and the industry in general. These first sets are where you’ll meet the people who can mentor you in your craft and those who will call you for work.

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