Are you focusing on what you don’t have?
Andrew Carlson explains how this will never get you anywhere.
What will get you to your dreams? Read on:
Right now, you are focusing on the lack of something. Let’s transition out of the lack mindset and create an abundant mindset.
The world is an incredibly beautiful place filled with tons of opportunity to do exactly what you want to do. So instead of focusing on your competition, lack of jobs, lack of finding the jobs, and how word of mouth hasn’t helped you… why not think about how much it HAS helped you!
Have you ever come into a situation where word of mouth has blessed you? Whether that was in the form of a friendship or even a job? I hire a bunch of people since a service my business provides is planting the right person in the right position.
It comes down to 3 main objectives:
1. Their attitude
2. Their demeanor/if they’ll fit in
3. Their skills.
The first 2 are the key indicators I look for in every position and then the last thing we look at is their skill set. Why is this? Because we want to make sure that the people we spend tons of time with are people that are uplifting and passionate instead of negative and just wanting to get ahead.
You have to truly care about people and their life in this industry. Janet messaged me saying how grateful she was to have Bridget and myself helping because we truly care about your success. Janet does too but 1 perspective isn’t enough for most people. Different people say the same thing but only the right person can say it that makes it resonate with us.
I could have said “no thanks, I’m too busy focusing on my own dreams” but I cared about everyone in this program because I used to be there once. I didn’t know anything but that’s why I continued searching and caring.
Imagine what life would be like if you met that perfect person, that brought you onto set and you just rocked it out? What would you feel like if they brought you onto every project there after?
Imagine that you are in a position where you are so crazy busy and someone comes up to you to give an introduction. Some would say “I don’t have the time” but you are different. You LISTEN to them and get their contact information because they seem to truly care and have a true calling/passion. This is where the shift happens.
This happens on a daily basis and you need to tell yourself if it can happen to other people…. why can’t it happen to you? The fact is that it can and it will. The thing you have to start doing is introducing yourself to everyone and LISTEN to their story. You never know who you’ll meet and they could be your launching pad.
Don’t worry about how you’ll accomplish this and just ask yourself what do you have to do to accomplish it? What do you have to do to meet these people? Want to know a secret – half the time it isn’t even knowing the answer. It’s about the lessons you’ll learn on your search for the answers. You have all of the tools you’ll ever need within yourself.
Within yourself you’ll find the answer. Whether that’s knowing exactly what you have to do or searching outside of yourself for the answer. It just depends upon how important this dream of yours is to you.