“Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” – Mario Andretti
GUYS, it hit me big time on set last night. Standing there on set, filming a guy slapping his friends hands away from his french fries. (That’s filmmaking!) That’s comedy! :-)
Every insecurity I had on the way up.
Every job where I was shitting bricks.
Every conversation where I was second guessing myself.
Every moment that I had to learn something new and was DREADING it!
Every time I got a call where they complained about the sound and my stomach turned. (very few of those but enough)
Every moment from the past built ME to have this life.
The career I have now, is a result of years of hard work, mastering my craft and mastering MYSELF.
Don’t give up on yourself. That’s what you’ll be doing.
And then you’re giving into a fraction of the person you can become.
It’s all worth it!
Who agrees and already sees a new YOU emerging!