Examples of Great Posts from Our Mentors

FIF Mentor Goran

Having people skills and being likable are key skills in our industry.

We didn’t allow our fears and uncertainties lead us, we went for it and we kept mowing forward towards our certainties!

The time you put into investing in educating yourself is so worth it. You will be ahead of everyone else in no time!

I remember when I joined the Program that I was uncertain even about working freebies! But I knew that I am still going to go for it!

I was tired of running away from my dreams, and I made the decision!

FIF Mentor Goran

The energy of this support group is superb, and what a better way than to be around but like-minded people who are working towards same goals!

Before I joined the Program, I used to be a lot in my lower self state, but thanks to Janet and her amazing program and the great support from mentors and other participants, I was able to get myself out! Some other mentors had different challenges and the Program was able to help them overcome the challenges as well!

I remember when I started, I was filling up pages and pages of notes I was so amazed of how much I’ve learned in such a short period of time! I knew right there and then that I want more and I was hungry and ready to do it, to work in the Industry. I was dreaming and seeing it until it become true for me šŸ˜† as much as it did for other members and mentors and, one thing I can say is that me or other mentors are nothing special we just follow the road map to success. šŸ˜€

FIF Mentor Goran

I had self doubt about making it but one thing so was certain is that this program will help me achieve that dream come true!

To make my long story short, a year and few months into the program, I was debt free! šŸ˜€ I was working in the industry and loving every part of it! Before the Training, I was lost and in a big debt (About $60K!!!) but my friends were telling me this is it, and thank god I listened to my feelings!

My wish to you all is to join FIF, participate, listen, and note everything down, be a part of Yammer, and plug into live calls with Janet. Itā€™s all PRICELESS!

FIF Mentor Goran

Sometimes when we feel that we are not moving and improving, there is a light in the end of the tunnel, and wow what a light!

Sometimes it may be challenging to see a bright future when we have difficult experiences in the present, but our work will pay out in the end!

Can you imagine how wonderful that is, to see beyond our present barriers and look forward!?

I was standing on a crossroad last year with over $60K in debt and with nothing but an opportunity in my hand, and I had to make a decision right there and then. I knew if I haven’t joined back then and start making excuses for myself, I probably wouldnā€™t have joined ever!

I knew that what I was doing wasn’t working because I was in debt so doing the same thing would probably bring me to $100K in debt and I didn’t want to go that route! I had to break through my insecurities and my fears and just trust my guts! So I made a jump, and I am so happy I made that decision!

Now I am almost debt free and loving what I do!!!

FIF Mentor Goran

I used to be my own enemy and have these negative patterns telling me that ā€œI canā€™tā€.

I was scared of failure and also of success.

I felt hopeless; that was not good at anything!

But I said to myself, ā€œGoran you have to get out of this ā€˜I wishā€™ cycle and break through!ā€ So I joined Janetā€™s FIF training.

Today, I am in high demand on film sets, I have a healthy confidence level, and I’ve got rid of my destructive thinking! šŸ˜

This program allowed me to do that. Janetā€™s weekly calls made me stronger and better and we have such an amazing community of inspiring mentors and FIF friends. Everyone here is able to push you in the right direction when you feel down and also congratulate you when you grow and succeed!

FIF Mentor Sparkman

Just remember that nobody starts out amazing. They become amazing by working at it and becoming better and better. And when something is difficult, itā€™s not that it becomes easier. It seems easier to you once you become really good at doing it.

My first time on a proper film set was scary too. I didnā€™t do as well as I wanted to, I felt slow, and unprepared and dumb. But my positive attitude, my ambition to do better, my acceptance of constructive criticism and my hustle is what people remembered. Not the mistakes.

Focus on what you did RIGHT. Start there. Does that make sense?

NOW that Iā€™ve had a year on film sets, I feel like Iā€™m really good at what I do. But I still improve all the time and look for ways to do better. Thatā€™s how our program trains you to roll. I still make multiple mistakes a day. That is OK! Learn from mistakes but donā€™t kill yourself over them. Learn and move on, and you will be fine! šŸ˜„

FIF Mentor Sparkman

You know that you have the FIERCE potential to make things happen and that you have an amazing family that’s got your back and you go after what you want. That’s HUGE. Take a minute to think about how awesome that is and let yourself feel empowered by the potential that you know is inside of you. And feel the love and support that you have from your family.

Now let’s address this: “I am certain that I am a quick learner but maybe not quick enough for this industry.”

You are uncertain of if your quick learning will be enough. But focus on your certainty that you learn quickly. Think of the times where you picked something up fast and learned how to acquire a new skill. What happens when you believe in that ability to learn? What happens when you give that certainty more power?

Remember that you’re still not acquainted with this industry – you don’t know what it’ll REALLY be like. A lot of people chalk it up to be a big scary thing. But if you combine the potential that you know you have with your ability to learn quickly… doesn’t that make you feel more powerful?

“I am certain that I am suffering because I have not yet fulfilled my purpose.”

I remember when I was there in your shoes. A lot of the FIF Mentors felt the same way. But you’ve identified WHY you are suffering and know what you can do about it now. What you need to do is believe in your certainties and make the leap into bettering your life.

As far as your uncertainties and fears. I am not kidding when I say that ALL OF US. Every FIF Mentor. Has felt the same way. I know I did.

You are starting on a new journey in a new industry. It is natural to start off feeling intimidated.

But remember that every single one of the “Top Dogs” in our industry started somewhere. Nobody is born and is suddenly a big-shot successful industry tycoon. We ALL started somewhere just like you are starting from where you are.

And remember that is is NEVER too late to go after what will make you happy. I know a Props Master (top of her field) who was miserable in Advertising for over 10 years. Then she switched gears and is living her dream. I know a Stunt Coordinator (also very well known and successful) who sold insurance for 8 years before he traded the comfort of that paycheck for what he really wanted. Now he is SO much happier and loves what he does.

A successful industry member I know in the Camera Department used to own an ice cream shop way back in the day. He thought that would be his life and that’s that. But he said, “Sometimes we need to loose ourselves to find ourselves.” He now works on multi-million dollar films.

If those people could turn their lives around, SO. CAN. YOU. And they all started with fears that they had no business transitioning into doing what they’re doing now. They overcame them, so you can too!!! It starts when you decide it does :)

Does this help put your certainties, uncertainties and fears into perspective?

FIF Mentor Sparkman

This is me on the set of the feature film I just wrapped in August. This was our last day shooting out in Queens! I was the Directorā€™s Assistant on this job. I couldnā€™t believe I was there and how far I had gone in just a year. It was the most beautiful evening.

I was working with Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth, Priyanka Chopra and Adam Devine all summer. Our Executive Producer was the executive producer of “IT”, “Project X”, “Terms of Endearment”, “Almost Famous”, “Yes Man”, “She’s the Man”…. and he started as a PA! Just like all of us are learning how to start. And here he is, top of the industry.

This will be you guys before you know it — on crews with 20 people, 50 people and 100 people. šŸ˜ Who’s ready?!

FIF Mentor Sparkman

This is from the first Union TV show I worked on: a comedy for adult swim. I got on this set using the FIF Methods Janet Urban teaches us in the Program!

This was the greatest experience. Our first day was an overnight shoot, so we went from 6pm until 6am!

I did so well (all thanks to Janet’s training with FIF) that I was invited back to work another 4 days on this shoot. I bonded with everyone in the camera department, got to know some G&E people during lockups (they even gave me an extra crew T-shirt!) and best of all – I was put in charge of one of our “warming vans” (to keep crew members warm since it got cold at night!).

On my last night, they chose my warming van to keep the video village! I got to watch the Director, DP and Script Supervisor work at the monitor and ask them questions – they gave me advice in between shots and even let me look at the monitor with them!! It was an INCREDIBLE experience!

You guys can do this too – this was 7 months into the program for me!

FIF Mentor Kelsey

Have faith — your uncertainty is achievable! We’ve all been where you are — stuck, not sure how to get started — but Janet will introduce you to some key methods that will help you get work in this industry throughout your entire career!

FIF Mentor Bridget

I’ll admit, I initially thought it was too good to be true. I thought this exceptional life Janet presented was reserved for “special” people and that definitely wasn’t me. HA!

Man, was I wrong!

I joined Friends in Film 6 years ago. But before finding the program, I was on a quest to not work a 9 to 5, travel, live an exciting, adventurous, fulfilling life and feel ALIVE every day.

However, I was STRUGGLING to put that life together.

I tried every career/job I was interested in. Everything from hospice counseling (degree was in psychology), to politics, to being hired by a British company to work in their gift shops on cruise ships, to teaching English abroad.

Even did a 3 month backpacking tour of Europe. It was fantastic. You would have thought I’d had an epiphany at some point. But it never happened.

Now don’t get me wrong, all of those jobs provided amazing and meaningful experiences I wouldn’t trade for anything. But I couldn’t figure out how to replicate that ALIVENESS I’d experienced time and time again in the form of a career. If that makes sense?

Until I found Janet’s website and EVERYTHING changed! Quickly realized the film industry was where I was meant to be. I soaked up every single one of Janet’s videos, any morsel of information she offered. Couldn’t believe I’d found someone who articulated everything I felt and wanted in a career.

Bet you all are feeling the same way?!

I immediately signed up for the program and became obsessed with building this extraordinary life!

Fast forward 6 years. Now I work on film sets in both New Orleans and Kansas City, making anywhere from $500-$1000 a day. I’m in demand, have wonderful friends, love life and most of all feel alive every day!

When I’m not on a film set, I’m usually traveling (just spent the past week in Austin!), visiting peeps, and working on my real estate investments (money that came from working in the film business!).

I’ve been able to apply the same principles Janet teaches in building a successful career in film business to building a career in real estate. As a result, I make around $20,000 on every house flip I’m involved with. INSANE!!! Thank you Janet!!!!

I’m a girl from a small town in Oklahoma, that had no film experience, connections or financial backing. If I can do this, YOU CAN CREATE THIS LIFE TOO!


So if any of you are debating whether you should do the program, don’t over think it. šŸ˜‰

Go with your gut! Say yes and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Figure out how to pay (I used a credit card) and make time for it.

That’s what myself and the other mentors have done!

You guys deserve to take CONTROL of your life! The mentors and Janet are the best of the best! We will be here to help you every step of the way!

FIF Mentor Patrick

You choose the lifestyle you want. You won’t need to worry about that so early in your career, you’ll see once you’re working freelance that you decide what kind of projects you pursue. In the beginning, however, you want to gain experience on all sorts of shoots: docs, scripted TV, reality TV, commercials…

and then you can decide what you like best.

FIF Mentor Jessica P.

Lets give you more empowering questions! We want you to walk away feeling EMPOWERED and ready to conquer the world!

Have others been rejected in this industry but still pushed past it to accomplish their dreams? YES!!

Do I have the tools at my disposal to help me accomplish my dreams? YES!

Are there things I can do in my everyday life to build my confidence and show people I am serious? YES!

FIF Mentor Jessica P.

A little history about me: I started this training in October 2015. Had no idea that in under 2 years I would have moved across the country and be working full time in the Industry!

When I started FIF, I was working a lead branch administrator for a worldwide company called Robert Half. I was there for 3 years! I was at my rock bottom and everything was going WRONG. I went to college for theater and was performing regularly in Columbus, Ohio, with some paid work but nothing to live off of. One of my goals was acting in films and I was not having the best of luck in that department!

Shortly after joining this program I switched survival jobs (for personal reasons) to being a leasing consultant for another big company in Columbus, Ohio! That job allowed me to have more flexibility in my schedule to start working more in film.

I used the methods that we learn in FIF to find the work and get booked on gigs in my area. I worked sporadically around Ohio on reality TV shows that came in from LA or NYC. I made a great connection while working on the show “America’s Got Talent” in December 2016. Then in February of 2017 (yes this year) the contact I made offered me 3 different gigs in LA!! I made the trek to Cali in my car, stayed in a hostel for the first month, and since I started to make connections out here while working on that gig, had started to get more and more work. So I officially found an apartment and moved to LA!!

Now I am working full time making close to $3500-4000 a month, just moved into a better apartment because of the people I met on set and in this program! I recently worked on the Environmental Media Awards as a Stage Manager and got to meet a lot of big named actors. I am currently on screen and behind the scenes on the show Popular Opinion which airs on FB right now!!!! I’m booked for almost everyday until November 3rd and I have more potential gigs coming my way. ALL OFF OF REFERRALS!!!


FIF Mentor Leaf

Before Friends in Film, I was a recent college graduate. I had decided that the film industry was where my future lay and I live in Atlanta, so i was in the best place I could be. I had no idea what I was doing, so I told myself I would give myself a year to try to get in and if I couldn’t, I would go to grad school for film and try to make connections there.

Then I found FIF and learned the truth about my “brilliant” plan: not only is film school expensive and unnecessary (a fact confirmed for me on my first set ever), but I could be on sets and getting paid while I learned about the industry! After only two months in the program I was already finding myself on sets and making connections and sharing my stories on Yammer. It was great because I received so much support and encouragement from the rest of the people in the program.

Now I have a nationwide (and international!) network of friends who PA. I work on shows like ā€œValorā€ and ā€œManhuntā€ (just aired this August on Discovery). I work on films like ā€œPitch Perfect 3ā€, and when I want a break from that I work on indie short films and commercials. I have worked with celebrities like Caleb Mclaughlin from ā€œStranger Thingsā€, Liam Neeson, and Roz Ryan. Next Wednesday, I get to work with my mother’s personal hero, former president Jimmy Carter!

Everything I paid for the program, I made back in my first year in the industry. Last December I bought my own townhouse. Thanks to the freelance nature of what I do, I can pick whenever I want to go on vacation, so in July I went camping, went to my sister’s wedding, and went to Pennsylvania for two weeks and now that I am back I already have work lined up. That is how fast you can get somewhere in this industry.

If not for FIF, I would now be in my second year of grad school, swimming in student loans that would take me years to pay off. I most likely would have given up, because I would have technical knowledge, but still have no idea how to get jobs. So this program really saved my butt and has set me on a path for life! If all your bills were taken care of, what would you want to spend your days doing? If the answer is film, then this program is the one to make it come true.

FIF Mentor Lauren

I had no idea how to get into the film industry in Wisconsin and wondered if I would have to move to LA. Now, because of the FIF methods, I work full time in the industry in Wisconsin! Where or when I’ll move next is still up in the air, but I embrace that uncertainty instead of fearing it. I know I’ll figure it out! FIF will also teach you how to combat your fears and feel comfortable with your uncertainties.

FIF Mentor Lauren

We are here to answer your questions, no matter how long you’ve been in the program. Even us mentors are still learning! We want you to be successful too, and we know that FIF has greatly contributed to our success in the film industry!

FIF Mentor Lera

ā€œAm I good enough? Likable enough?ā€

This is always the biggest question in the beginning. Trying to measure your value in eyes of others is just gonna bring you doubts! Once you open up and are ready for challenges, you get some kind of charisma around you and it’s like a magnet will attract people. They will become your mentors, friends, colleagues who will inspire you as well!

“Will my parents/friends/boyfriend understand and be supportive?”

First of all parents are the people who want the best for you, but at the same time they always try to protect you from “Big Scary World”, because they love you so much, but that’s why they usually don’t want you to risk, to change, challenge yourself! And this is what you need to do in case to become successful, reach your dream, be happy, because living in the safe place never brought anybody anywhere!

By the end of the day who is living this life? Your parents or YOU? They will support you anyway once they see how passionate you are and how much it means to you!

But once you overcome these uncertainties you will become much stronger and it’s gonna feel so great that you’ll want bring more challenges in your life to reach more exciting experiences!

FIF Mentor Ali

I did not do the Platinum because at the time I joined, I didn’t think I could get the 1st month payment. I thought I could work some odd jobs to get the lower tier.

I eventually broke it down like this, once you get on working on a set you will find that 3 days of work a month pays for 1 month of the Platinum and 2 days a month on set pays for a month of the Gold tier..

Had I figured that out in the beginning I would have done Platinum for more Janet personal coaching. Which as you have gotten to taste is pretty amazing!

However, all tiers of the FIF program walk you through methods to climb and navigate and get into the film industry. No matter which one you do, you will you will learn what you need to get into and carve a career in the Film Industry.

FIF Mentor Jessica P.

I started in Columbus, Ohio, in late 2015. I worked on set as much as I could while working a full time job in leasing! I made contacts in LA through our FIF methods and that lead me to move to LA at the beginning of this year. I have been working full time in the business around LA and just got back from a travel gig where I was in Maine for 2 months working on a Disney show!!

The best part about the methods that we have is you can put them into practice in ANY market you’re currently in. Even in Columbus, I was able to find work that I had no clue was thereā€¦ follow what Janet shows you and you will be rocking it out in no time.

FIF Mentor Jessica P.

I am absolutely loving all of the periods who will be coming over to FIF soon!! You all have put in an awesome amour of effort and truth to your fun work and it will pay off for you!!

Because of this program I have been able to save several thousand dollars for my savings, travel back home after a gig and be able to not worry about $ or my next gig, have the opportunities to go whitewater rafting for work!! And many many more experiences.

This is where change happens and where you can pursue those dreams you’ve had for years!!

FIF Mentor Alex

Before FIF I definitely felt like I was outside of the industry always HOPING to be involved in a real way. NOW I am in the film industry full time and most importantly I feel like I belong – it’s all thanks to FIF methods shared by Janet Urban through this mentorship. Hands down, without a doubt, I would not be prepping props for an upcoming tv show starring Tracy Morgan this week! Ordering props for the Production Designer, driving to the prop houses, working out of Highline Stages in NYC, working with people I enjoy being around and who are impressed by my professionalism.

The confidence that I gained over months of implementing Janet’s teachings is what got me to this point. It comes from implementing the FIF method, making mistakes and staying focused on what Janet has proven works time and time again by the success of FIF people šŸ˜ What makes the program even MORE worth it is the inner work you do that will change you for the rest of your life. You won’t experience the same lows after the program because of the enlightenment you’ve gained.

Everyone who works with me loves me, I know my worth, I get the job done and it all feels so, so good every single time. Thought I’d share my transformation. Thank you Janet ā¤

FIF Mentor Alex

Usually the certainties section is meant to be empowering, but I see you’ve included your certainty about not having money and believing “there’s no way I can pay for the program”. When you have certainty over things those are things that you accept/choose as your truth and reality so be very selective about what makes it into this category!

We had a member who bounced back from homelessness by going through this program and his story is so powerful.

I only want you to feel encouraged. Yes, you have a family to support, have a house to pay for, have debt, but it doesn’t define you as someone who can’t progress in their life. It doesn’t mean because you lack money that you lack the ability to further your dream career.

Itā€™s not money that holds you back now, it’s what you’ve let the lack of it mean for you and your life. That’s just the sense I get from the share.

Based on your certainties it sounds like you want positive CHANGE in your life. I’m here to tell you that’s happened in this program for me and many others. And based on some of your uncertainties about wondering if you’ve used your time wisely or whether you will progress in life I know you are capable of much more and among your people. Because we all shared those same uncertainties. I had my own unique ones too!

These were limiting beliefs for sure and it’s scary how it can hinder our lives if we’re not aware of it. ā¤