Oh the shoot yesterday was a piece of cake.
Talk about homecoming, it was SO FUN because I felt like I was seeing family.
The production manager, Terry, has hired me for the last 10 years. He’s super nice, and I got like 5 big hugs yesterday.
The producer, I had never met before, but she was so nice. When you look at her face, it was so open and smiling.
The director, was like 22 and nice. He kept yelling, like a tyrant director, but he was always joking.
The camera dept, I’ve known the 2 1st ACs (Assistant Camera) for many years. Lots of hugs from them.
The make up gal, I’ve known for a long time, she is married to a DP and remodeling her house. Spending $600,000 cash. Hmm, think there is some money in this industry?
We did a 14 hour day. Finished at 1 am. But I left with such a great feeling.
Unlike a shoot I did about 2 weeks ago, the hard one, I might have mentioned, that turned out to be even more difficult than I suspected.
At the end of the day, 1 am in the morning, the Director came around to every person, and said “Thanks”.
Anyway, most shoots are like this. You leave feeling great.
You leave ready for the next shoot, like you can’t wait. That’s what is so great about this business.
Anyway, I hope you have a great evening. Just wanted to tell you about yesterday’s shoot!