Vacation will never be the same. It’s true.
This is a little reality of being freelance in the film industry.
You will schedule vacation and then once you buy your tickets and commit to everybody… you get some big ass jobs.
Next week, I turned down a 3 day job with a company that is top notch and I’ve been wanting to work with again. That would have been around $10,000.
I also turned down a 2 day job with a new company. These directors, it’s a directing team, had requested me. But I had to turn that down too. $4000 of work.
My mom and dad’s 50th wedding anniversary is more important.
I was talking to a producer friend of mine. He hires me every chance he gets.
He said, “Yeah June was a little slow, and then I got handed a 10 day job. (With a company that he wants to maintain the relationship with.)
He had to turn it down. Already scheduled to go back to Ohio to see him family.
Ah, that hurts! But we all know it well. That’s freelance.
At the time, you hate to say no, but it usually comes back around again. It might take a year, but eventually you will hopefully get remembered and called again.
Of course, I will call them and say, “I’m back!” and that’s good.
Anyway, you will have these same situations and it’s normal.