Things to Consider When Starting a Podcast

Podcasts are really easy to create and can potentially be a way to earn some extra money while you’re getting established in the film industry. So, how do you start? What are the things you need to be thinking about? (Most of this applies to Youtube/Twitch as well!)

In this video we’ll go over three of the most important things to keep in mind. It’s critical to be strategic when getting into something new if you plan to have it grow into something great.

To get going, you need a topic that isn’t too specific or too general. If it’s too narrow, the podcast won’t be able to sustain itself because you’ll run out of episode possibilities too quickly. If it’s too broad, it’s hard to keep people engaged because they don’t know what they’re supposed to expect on any level.

So, you have a topic, and now the main consideration should be: Who is your audience? It’s great to make a podcast involving a topic you’re already passionate about. You’ll bring a great energy to your performances and be speaking the same language as your core audience, the people heavily invested in your chosen topic.

We then want to ask a higher level question to help guide us: WHY is your audience passionate about this topic? Let the answers help lay down some episode topics and a general feel for your show.

It doesn’t cost much to start a podcast. You can record yourself on your phone and upload it directly to iTunes and Spotify. Because it’s so easy to start one, you don’t need to feel married to the first one you create. Just get started, and if you think of a better idea, you can take all the experience you had with the first into the second.

When you start to get some traction, set up an email for business inquiries and put that on your pages. This way, advertisers can contact you about sponsoring one or more episodes.

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