We’ve all been in this situation where we want to do well but in the moment, we go into our head and we just don’t act like we wanted to act.
Often we’ll replay the situation over and over again in our heads. And we’ll think of new things we should have said and sometimes we’ll blame other people for the way that they were acting.
I have done this many times…Often when I’m driving home from a difficult job and I’m not quite happy with the way things went.
Or perhaps you’re on set and something doesn’t go well and you focus on that thing, and in the meantime your state is upset, your face is tense, and you’re not the playful happy self that you really are.
When I do this, all of a sudden I realize…I am suffering.
Again and again I’m replaying and re-feeling emotions I don’t want to feel…That’s the quality of my life.
It’s okay to take a look at what you could have done better. It’s very important to quickly stop suffering and move on.
So I want to share with you a way to end suffering and get back to your playful, happy self, which is your true self anyways but you just covered it up by being all worried and concerned. Watch this video and grab this tool right now for your life!