How to Become a Stuntman or Stuntwoman

Have you thought about how to become a stuntman or stuntwoman for movies and music videos?

Parker is a professional action actor doing character work on Disney Fairy Tale Weddings and the Dance Gavin Dance music video “Head Hunter”. In this video she goes over stunt double requirements and how to find job openings in Hollywood. Finding a niche in the film industry like stunts does huge things for your career! Now Parker has this additional skill and unique experience for her passion which is acting!

Building connections with people is how you get work in this industry. So building relationships with the people you train with is important! That is how we get most of our work, through referrals from friends. Now Parker is working out in gyms you need to be invited to, alongside famous celebrities, meeting stunt coordinators and getting audition opportunities!

You can learn a lot in an audition. Even if you don’t get the role. People notice how you carry and conduct yourself. You never know who you’ll meet walking into a sword play audition. One connection can become many!

What are some skills you need to work in stunts? No skills are necessary besides the mentality of “I’m going to throw myself around!”
Martial arts or dancing is a plus, but not needed. As long as you’re coordinated and athletic then you don’t need any specific skills to do this. You do need to be okay with getting hurt.

What about agencies and managers? Agencies and managers do different things, although they can cross over at times. An agent is all about booking you on projects and getting you work. A manager is more of a relationship and is more valuable. Its your manager’s job to make you better and help set you up for success! You can drop your manager at any time and they can drop you at any time.

Parker drove out here to Hollywood from Ohio. She stayed in a Los Angeles hostel for a month to work on America’s Got Talent and see how she liked LA. We recommend having $3000 saved up before moving to LA. As you work in your local area you begin to meet and build connections with film professionals based in LA. Then, when you decide to move here you can have a job waiting for you just like Parker!

Having a film friendly side business is a strategic way to make money right now because you’ll have another skill to offer on film sets when production starts up again after the corona virus is under control! Parker does fashion design and costume creations. Her roommate was bummed out when they ran out of a Halloween shirt online so Parker made a better one with a hidden pocket! She also makes and wears her own outfits to fancy parties like the Oscar Fashion Design party last year! A great way to let professionals know what you can do for them.

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