Do you want to have a career in the film industry? Make it your goal to work on PROFESSIONAL film sets so you can start those relationships.

Don’t get caught in all the “film fascination” programs. They use enticing phrases like, “Lift off!” “Rising Filmmakers” “Make a film about freedom”.

They paint a picture of fame as a director, writer, or actor to entice you, but in the end, it won’t get you working on professional sets – and that’s where it really counts.

Friends In Film is focused on getting you working on PAID film sets, making hundreds of relationships with real producers, gaffers, DPs, and more. 🔥

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Use your talent, ideas, and great energy to get yourself brought into the professional film community.

Friends In Film is a network of industry professionals and an educational platform. After 15 years of doing FIF, we now have producers, production supervisors, DPs, coordinators, ADs who are now hiring other FIFers. FIF got them in, so they will want to help you too! Check us out. 🎬 🔥


Friends In Film’s Founder Janet Urban

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Make a living on PROFESSIONAL film sets. It’a a new world. 🌷

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