An Artist is never on Vacation?
By John Henry Soto
I like being an artist every day. That sounds weird to say but the fact is that some of my artist friends disappear during the holiday season. And I don't mean that one day of the year! I mean one week before the holiday and one week afterwards. Sometimes more!
What is it about a holiday that makes everyone stop creating? Now don’t get me wrong, I love my family and spending time with them is one of the biggest joys of my life. At the same time, I’m an artist that loves creating and the thought of not producing for an extended amount of time due to a holiday, makes me a little sick.
It’s also irresponsible as an artist because this time of year is when we are needed the most. The high rate of suicides, family “discussions” around the dinner table which lead to depression occur the most during this time of year.
The amount of people looking for answers is astounding. Unfortunately, all they find are pseudo methods that invalidate them, drugs that are labeled with alarming warnings like death and increased suicidal thoughts and of course the friend that comes to you in a bottle with no judgment named Jack. Don’t tell me you don’t know Jack!
The one constant endeavor that has given the world more hope than anything else is art. Therefore, artists are the most valuable people on the planet. Someone may argue this and that’s fine but a clear and educated look at history will prove my statement time and time again. From the amazing artists that designed the pyramids and Greek monuments to today’s creators of art influencing elections via social media and giving us hope for the future, artists are the leaders.
We must increase our creative output and defuse these negative energies that manifest on days that should represent joy. It’s during this time that we MUST make that commitment to our friends, families and those we meet along the way. Let us each make it our goal to raise the level of society during a time when so many need it. They may not be yelling out for help but they are out there. Let’s help them. Let’s be artists all the time and everywhere we go with everyone we meet. Bring those you love joy and those you love will spread that joy this and every future holiday season.
We have mind. We have bodies. We are spirits. If we do not help this planet, who will? The politicians?
Happy Holidays!
John Henry Soto