Your New Career Changes Everything

The big break you’ve been waiting for

Are you ready for a new opportunity?

A way to get started and get to know the right people?

I have an opportunity for you that has never been available before.

Now you can do the beginning part of the A-list Model, the 20 Shoots System, to get started on your dream and start meeting the right people.

Or you can start with the A-list Mastermind and take it all the way to the amazing film lifestyle.

You have dreamt of having a new career.

One where you can live an amazing life that matters.

And leave the job you never wanted… forever.

Going professional for your craft is that opportunity.

Watch the video below and find out how to start turning your ideas into a life you love.

I will guide you into the life of your dreams the entire way.

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The 20 Shoots System Monthly Membership

Monthly membership: USD $297 / mo You can cancel anytime.

  • Modules tell you what to do.
  • Step by step training for financially free, project portfolio, first 20 shoots.
  • Weekly calls with Janet. Weekly acting and reinvent yourself calls. Up to 12 calls per month.
  • Everything you pay goes towards A-list Mastermind.

* Highly suggested to stay in until you meet the $3,000 per month, 3 clips, & 20 shoots milestones

Enroll in 20 Shoots Membership

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The FIF Into The Industry Certification Program Gold Payment Plan

10 Monthly Payments of USD $497 or -$600 OFF if paid in full.

  • Modules tell you what to do.
  • Mastermind community supports you.
  • Weekly training calls with Janet. Weekly acting and reinvent yourself bonus calls. Up to 12 calls per month.
  • Everything to get PAID assistant jobs.

* If you want to pay in full, make the first payment, email us and request to pay in full to get the discount.

Enroll in Gold Payment Plan

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The FIF Into The Industry Certification Program Platinum Payment Plan

10 Monthly Payments of USD $797 or -$1,000 OFF if paid in full.

  • Everything in Gold, plus…
  • A higher level of access to Janet.
  • Handholding. Janet helps you with writing emails, resumes, situations.
  • You can jump ahead in the modules when ready.

* If you want to pay in full, make the first payment, email us and request to pay in full to get the discount.

Enroll in Platinum Payment Plan

Secure Checkout

Transform Your Life Using the A-list Model

I used to be a cocktail waitress, now I work with all of the big players, like Rebel Wilson and Liam Hemsworth. I was taken under the wing of one of the executive producers of “It”.

On my first day on set for “The Blacklist”, the 2nd-2nd AD asked about my experience and I told him it was my first day as a PA for a union TV show… and he was completely floored. I was able to come across as someone who knew what she was doing and how to handle tasks like a pro.

Sparkman Actor
This is a tough industry and its less about talent and more about who you know!! used to one of the top media companies in the world, and I can say I definitely understand that statement a ton.

Most importantly, I’ve made this year my year of discipline and focusing on my dreams. That is why I decided I was not going to continue to put my dreams on hold any longer, and I feel that Friends In Film is going to be exactly what I need to be successful in my career moving forward.

Deja Filmmaker
Honestly, I wasn’t even sure if I could get on a volunteer job when I started the program, but Friends In Film gave me the strength and guidance I needed for every job opportunity I got.

Fast-forward 2 years and I just came back from the Cannes Film Festival for the film I was a DP on. I’m also in the fashion world now, and have done camera work for Kenneth Cole and Freda. Every time I go on set, I tell myself, ‘Yes, I can do this!’

Goran DP | Winner at Cannes
With the A-list Mastermind, I’m most excited about the relationships I’m forging with industry professionals that I NEVER would have made just by being an actor alone.

I was expecting to PA for a local production company doing a local corporate shoot and wind up with the DP of “Empire” hiring me. She gave me her card and said that if there was ever anything she could do for me, she’d do it in a heartbeat.

Allyson Actor and Dancer
Before signing up for The FIF Into The Industry Certification Program, I did everything I felt I can do to get people to notice my work: I applied to postings, emailed my resume, called people cold… but it was going too slow and I wasn’t landing enough jobs to pay my bills.

After implementing the A-list Model, I immediately was able to land a gig at Paramount studios. Two HUGE dreams came true – I appeared on an episode of “Stranger Things” and “The Walking Dead”.

Patrick Sound
The biggest thing for me is realizing I was not alone on this journey. And it’ll be the same for you: you’re with peers and friends. You’re in a community of like-minded people with the same aspirations, challenges, and worries.

That’s such a relief. I used to worry so much, and now I don’t feel that anymore. I learned to push myself in a way that’s not destructive. You will look and feel more professional, and that feeling of having a new identity should not be underestimated.

Melanie VFX Coordinator (UK/Germany)
I used to work for wholesale and was afraid to sign up for the FIF Into The Industry Certification Program because I never thought I could get consistent work from the film industry. BUT I also knew my life would stay mundane and nothing extraordinary would happen towards my dreams if I stayed put.

So I signed up for A-list in January. That March, I was able to quit my day-job when I was offered a 3-month gig as a PA on a TV show. My first feature film was “Old Man and a Gun“, with Robert Redford and Casey Affleck.

Crystal Production Coordinator
I used to work in the restaurant industry… now I see my name and my friends’ names in the credits of “Mr. Robot“, “FBI“, and “Broad City“, and it just brings me so much joy. You guys don’t understand how much I love this industry and how my life has been completely changed. I can work for 2 weeks straight, take 1 day off, and immediately want to get back on set.

I’ve worked as a Props Assistant for the well-known propmaster, Martin Lasowitz, who did “School of Rock”. Now I’m an Associate Producer!

Rooni Associate Producer
I’ve just finished a 30-day Miramax feature on-location in New York, working as a 2nd AD. I used to be a pharmacist, and Friends In Film helped me transition into what I really loved to do.

No more florescent lights for me! I’ve just recently finished “Dietland” for AMC network, “Villains”, and “The Hill”.

Rolan 2nd AD


Yes, it certainly can. Most of our students either have no experience, or have had experience that didn’t take them anywhere professionally. They have usually received that experience from film schools and other prestigious academies, but didn’t know what to do with it.

The thing is — building a professional career doesn’t magically happen without you deciding you are going to work on your set knowledge, communication, and quiet confidence (how you respond to conflict and stress). In A-list, you are truly doing it with my help. My most successful total beginners have taken anywhere from one month (rare) to 8 months to bring their career vision fully to life with people calling them consistently in the niche they envisioned.

For you, if you’re already entrepreneurial, have great conversation skills, and have a knack for making people love you at first site, you may have your career up and running in just a couple of months as well. For most people it’s been around 8 months… and for those who really need a state change, it may take them longer.

The FIF Into The Industry Certification Program is ideal for those who need a bit of extra care because it trains you to think like an in-demand professional and avoid many of the costly mistakes others have made when they have desperately tried to get into the business. Being with us destroys some of the biggest mental hurdles you may be facing such as:

  • “How do I get to my goals when I have anxiety or depression?”
  • “What if I have an idea of what I want, but I haven’t done anything with it yet? How do I know my idea will actually work for me?”
  • “How do I deal with the issues that have held me back in the past and I’m scared I may find out I don’t have what it takes?”

I can tell you everyone feels nervous about whether they are good enough to get to their goals at first.

But let me tell you this: if you like to learn a craft BY DOING… if you are fascinated by what happens on a film set… if you dream of a different life than you have today and want to expand who you are and shed your limiting beliefs, this is the perfect avenue for you to grow into the person you want to be.

The A-list Mastermind and the bonus trainings are delivered in a multimedia format. The material is viewable across any laptop or mobile device. So all you need is a device with strong WiFi / cellular service!

We’ve got actors, writers, producers, directors, stunt people, VO artists, sound mixers, costume designers, production designer, set dressers, and more who have used The A-list Model to break into their crafts.

To be known as “one of the good ones”, you must learn how to get people referring you and passing your name around. You can quickly get your days working on sets doing your craft and qualify to join the union.

We don’t convince people to hire us. We use A-list Methods to become butter to work with and we get opportunities that give us a great life.

You can access the content and mastermind (the BatCave) at your convenience. The core training consists of pre-recorded videos, resources, and worksheets so you can access the materials anytime you want. Over the course of the program, we’ll add new content to the portal and you’re free to learn on your schedule.

Weekly calls with Janet depend on Janet’s film schedule. Usually, they are on Saturdays in the morning, but they can be on Fridays and Mondays too. We will definitely let you know in emails we send out two days and one day before whenever there’s a change in time. We may have multiple calls during the week as well if we are covering a certain topic. Remember, the content we teach is real-time and updated weekly!

All calls are recorded so if you miss a call, you can watch it later.

If you plan to work through the live program in real time, we recommend between 4-6 hours per week to watch the training, complete your assignments and — if you like — engage with us in the Mastermind BatCave with other A-listers and A-list Mentors. Many of our students go through the program as best they can; they sometime need to pause (because life happens!) and return to it as their schedule allows.

Remember that you have the Modules for life!

Once you pay off the payment plan or pay in full, you get lifetime access to the training and can easily work at your own pace, on your own schedule. Most of our students have full-time jobs and families. This experience is designed to stretch you, but it can also be customized to your life.

The more focus and dedication you put into A-list, the more you’ll get out of it. To be clear, this is not a magic pill and you will have to put in some proactive work. You can’t just read the content in the Modules, show up on our calls, and do nothing with that information.

This program mirrors the reality of becoming an “in demand” professional — it’s intense, time consuming, demanding and something you’ll work on for the life of your career.

Yes, people in the freelance film industry go on vacation, buy a house, have babies, and take care of aging parents. If this is what you want to do with your life, you must simply START and know that it’s never going to be a perfect time. The best time to start was yesterday. The second best time is now.

It’s normal to be uncertain, but don’t let your fear keep you from doing the most important thing that all lessons in life and all good things will come from. Remember that the freelance film industry WILL give you a life beyond your dreams. It will give you freedom. Your baby steps will turn into big leaps as you see that you are wanted, needed, and have a service that people need on set. There are millions of productions who need what you have to offer. Have the courage to get your service out there and get good at it!

It’s normal. We get scared of what others will think of us if we screw up.

Channel your energy into thinking through how you refuse to quit this time. What are you willing to do differently? How will you keep going when everything in your head says you are a failure? How will YOU make this a different experience?

I’ll be honest, you’ll make mistakes and you’ll have challenges. No one has ever gotten into film and said, “Wow, for the first time ever it all went perfectly as planned.”

HELL NO! The problem isn’t being afraid to quit. The problem to truly work on is this…are you willing to keep going the moment you realize it won’t go perfectly?

Yep, all the time! Janet is either on set or teaching The A-list Mastermind. So yes, she is personally invested in your success.

We have so much free content out there and with the case studies, it’s easy to see the level that Janet delivers. There are no refunds for the A-list Mastermind or 20 Shoots System programs. When you join, you immediately get the content, invited to the calls, and the mastermind. You need to come in committed and ready to work on your career.

Decide you’re going to use this program to make money in the world. That’s the purpose of it and it inspires committed people to get our content and have a huge advantage on film sets, and causes the wrong people to not get our secrets and not join.

I’m just going to say this – everybody gets to have their own opinion. And I want to tell you, your partner’s opinion? It matters to them. And we’re not going to sit and think they need to change their mind in order for you to feel good about what you’re going to do.

I want to just give you some perspective. Your partner/family has watched you and hear you talking about your passion forever. They know the pain you feel by not pursuing it and mostly they are afraid you’re goin to try and be disappointed. They are trying to save you the disappointment ahead of time, not considering that doing challenging things is what makes you successful in life.

And I’m pretty sure they don’t share you same passion for acting or filmmaking, nor do they know anyone who works in film.

What I find is that when partners or family say this about wasting money, that’s their way of saying, “I don’t want to see you go through getting your hopes up again.” It’s usually not, “I don’t believe in you.” They view the film industry as this big and hard thing to get into and they don’t want to see you hurt. They don’t realize the film industry is a business that millions make their living in.

One of the best gifts you can give yourself is some peace knowing that they do love you.

I need you to focus on you and to stop thinking about what other people are thinking. Love them for caring enough to be honest with you. But now be honest with yourself and say, the only support I really need is my own. That’s the support that’s always going to work no matter what.

If they don’t listen to my Friends in Film podcast. I’m pretty sure they’re not reading this page or watching our videos. They’re not sitting there watching Facebook Lives. They’re not reading my emails.

And they don’t know what it’s like to be you. They don’t have the same perspective of being inside your head and what you go through each and every day and they’re not supposed to. You also don’t have the same perspective as they do.

Are you willing to make sure you make the most of your time with Friends in Film? Are you willing to let everybody be wrong and let them have their opinion while you go about doing what’s right for you?

The biggest difference is HOW you get help when you just can’t figure out what you should be doing next, or what to say, or you keep experiencing the same frustrating things like not finding auditions or “thinking I suck” before going into an audition or having personal obstacles that seem insurmountable.

When you are using my free resources and you have a question you’ve got to figure out the solution on your own. The free stuff is really good, and I’m going to tell you right now, I pour my heart and soul into it. But the problem is that it’s not organized. I just take questions that people ask, and start talking. So you have to hunt and dig for what you need, and you have to remember to do the hunting and digging. You have to rely on yourself to pull it all together. You have to organize the lessons so that you’re not overwhelmed with all the things you need to change. And you have to go it alone.

When you join me inside of A-list Model programs where I’ve done all the thinking for you – all you have to do is show up. You get all the methods and support you need to get started and go to the next level guided by a film professional the entire time.

There’s more than just the course and the trainings with me. I think you’re going to need help and support, and I want to make sure you have all of that included. Our community is filled with people who are just like you cheering you on, lifting you up, answering your questions and helping you stay motivated 24/7. My goal is to make sure you know what to do to become someone who lives in the film world, have the right people surrounding you and to make sure you have every motivational tool and coaching you’re going to need.

80% of our members listen to the live calls with Janet on REPLAY. It’s so convenient. You can pop in and watch the video replay whenever you have time to listen. Most people do not listen to “every” single video. And you have a huge archive of videos to watch on all our past topics.

Of course! We have A-listers all over the world. The nice thing about being online is that it connects us. You just need the internet.

The payments are in US dollars.

I set this whole program up to make sure that it’s super flexible, because if you’re like me, you’re already very busy.

I keep the lessons short so that you can play them individually with whatever time you have during your week. It’s self-paced, so you can go as fast or as slow as you wish. If you’re a binge listener, get after it. If you’re slow and steady, get after it.

In addition to watching the course, most A-listers spend five minutes a day writing their daily plan. Sometimes, we might even spend 10 minutes a day if they are enjoying journaling.

Everything else – is optional AND self-paced.

Still need help or have questions?

Email Us