Roadmap to your first job in film and TV without going through a quarter-life crisis.
It’s true, the pathway into the film industry is not a direct one.
Even if you studied film, it’s very easy to feel lost on what you should be doing.
This is especially the case if you want to get into directing, writing, acting, or cinematography.
Don’t worry, it’s not just you.
It was exactly the same for me as well when I started.
But it doesn’t have to be this difficult.
With a little knowledge and guidance, the process can be a lot easier.
To learn how to find your first job in the film industry, hit the button below. 🔥
About me
I graduated with a business degree and started working in sales. I soon realized that sales was not for me.
I quit my job, cashed in my retirement, and bought around the world ticket.
When I was in Africa, I saw a film crew. That gave me the idea that I wanted to work for National Geographic.
Before I saw this film crew, I hadn’t had any exposure to the industry whatsoever.
Seeing the film crew, it felt like a bolt of lightning hit me, and I realized that film could be a great fit for me.
However, I knew absolutely nothing about the film industry.
As a result, there were many moments of doubt and frustration—as you may be experiencing now.
I call this a “quarter-life crisis”, which for me, lasted several years.
Eventually, I got started working on sets, and used that experience to get started in LA. 🎬 🔥

Friends In Film’s Founder Janet Urban