What makes a good acting reel? Examples, monologue and demos

What clips belong in your demo reel? Here are some tips for aspiring actors!

Of course, quality over quantity is the theme of today. You may be inclined to fill your reel with as many clips as possible to show that you have experience, but this will work against you.

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Background casting

So, here is a list of background casting companies.  Some may be in your area, and if you have some companies to add to the list, please post them in yammer.

Also call the film commission in your area, and ask them, “Who are the main background casting companies in our area?”

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how reputable is backstage?

Caitlin asks:

Quick question for everyone in the group. Have any of you auditioned for parts through Backstage? How reputable is Backstage for actors? I am asking because I remember Janet Urban mentioning that this industry is word of mouth, and how she mentioned that auditions are not posted necessarily, but that you need to be inside the industry to know what’s going on. I’m just curious as to how websites like Backstage play into this profession. :-) Thanks !!

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A way to look at failure

I've failed many times over and at some point, I think recently, it became an experience and not a failure.

I remember walking out of an auditionthat I bombed inabout a month ago and thinking to myself, WoW, that was bad!! Then I just forgot about it. It didn't kill me or even hurt me and it surely didn't end my career. It was just something thathappened.

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